I saw God this week! Haha I saw God because "God is Love" (1 John 4:7-9) It was amazing this week to interact with so many people and just see how much Heavenly Father loves every single one of us!! Even when they don't want to accept our message, I still feel such a great love for them from our Heavenly Father.
We were really busy this week with meetings and exchanges, but those are the times that I really learn the most! The spirit teaches me as I get to experience working hard with other missionaries. I was able to go back to 2 of my old areas this week!! Gosh, that was maybe the best thing ever. I LOVED seeing my old friends and people that I've grown so close to. Back in Canterbury made me feel like I was back home. And then I got to go back to Mesa Ridge for a baptism! I taught a woman back in Mesa Ridge and she was just a gem. She struggled grasping the concept of the Priesthood and why she needed to be baptized again. As we taught her, I could see the beginning of her understanding. But of course, I got transferred...and come to find out those awesome members who she was already friends with helped her gain a testimony of the Priesthood. And, yesterday she was baptized. That was a special baptism. Sister S, who was baptized, is the mother of the Bishop there in Mesa Ridge. Everyone was rooting for her and she had a great support system in the ward. The spirit was so strong at the baptism as her son, the bishop, baptized her. We were talking to Bishop afterwords and he exclaimed "This is the best Father's Day EVER!!" So cute.
Once again, it's amazing how you can feel the LOVE from Heavenly Father as one of His children make these sacred covenants. It was almost tangible. And to picture that He was smiling down so happy that Sister S made the decision to be baptized. I love it. This is what it's all about. All those hard days. the long days, the days that feel like they are never going to end. The days that I feel like I was a failure... they seem to disappear when we see the joy the gospel brings to someone else. And it was amazing to see the change in Sister S..the light that has grown in her face! The gospel is real. The gospel changes lives! And we get to see it everyday.
I know that this is Christ's church here on Earth. If it wasn't then people wouldn't abandon their comfortable lives and habits to join the church. If this gospel wasn't true, there wouldn't be 18 year old elders and 19 year old sisters doing the most important work on the face of the Earth. It's amazing when you take a step back and think about it. It MUST be true. Joseph Smith wouldn't have sacrificed and eventually died for it if it weren't true. The pioneers wouldn't have travelled across the country if it weren't true! So many things support the fact that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored. And I'm eternally grateful for the miracles it has wrought in my life.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! Remember to smile, there's so much to smile about!!!
Love you all,
Sister Hoer
Baptism of Sis. S. such a wonderful day! |
Thanks Mom for my new shirt! |
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CAUTION! We're spreading the gospel here! |
More service at the horse ranch~this is Cinnamon! |
We taught primary... these kids are so stinking cute! |