We spend the first couple days in the mission home. Our first day there we went tracking in the ghetto of Colorado Springs. That was actually really fun! The people are quite humble and ready to hear about God. We shared little messages and invited them to church. We also gave them some Books of Mormon and hopefully they will read!
My first dinner in Colorado was with a cute young family that just moved from Utah. The whole dinner was GREEN for me being a GREENIE!!! it was so cute. Green mashed potatoes, green salad, green jello, even green cookies! It made my day after having such a whirlwind of days.
Then on Wednesday we had transfers!! I was assigned to my new companion/trainer and my new area. My companion is adorable. She is totally my type of girl. We get along really well and have a lot of fun doing missionary work! So on our way back from the transfer meeting, we stopped at Wendy's for lunch. While we were there, this guy started talking to us about where we worked and what we were all about. He was an awesome guy. I could tell he's had quite the life and he is really looking to turn his life around. Everything we said, he agreed and told us it was true! We talked about the Book of Mormon and he said he would read it. He also wanted all of us (we were with a few other sisters) to go around and share our favorite scriptures. It was cool to see him soak in the messages we shared and I could see that he was really pondering what we told him. After we shared our scriptures he said he really liked what we said and he knew it was true. At that moment, my companion gave me the look and whispered..."baptism". SO I explained a little about the missionaries and learning about our church and the Savior and then I invited him to be baptized!!! That was so awesome! He didn't exactly say yes, but he didn't say no either. He said he really wants LDS friends and that he would love to meet with the missionaries before he committed to baptism. AWESOME! That was probably the best thing that could have happened in my first 2 hours of being send off into the field. Unfortunately he is not in our area so we aren't teaching him, but we gave him the name and number of the missionaries where he lives. The church is so true!!! And people really are prepared to hear our message. This man was definitely prepared.
We are far up north in our mission in a very wealthy area. It reminds me a lot of Henderson, so I feel at home. The houses are absolutely gorgeous!!! I really like looking at the homes. And the ward is superb. The members come out with us a lot and come to many of our lessons. The relief society president is our main supporter. She comes out a LOT. And I absolutely love it because she reminds me of Sister DeBry in many ways. So it's like I'm doing missionary work with my 2nd mom! But really, she's awesome. I really admire the members and how much they come out with us! It really makes a difference and gives the people we teach the opportunity to build relationships with people in the ward. We also live with a member who takes wonderful care of us. She is an elderly woman who I now look at as my own grandma. She's great. And I came just in time for the great weather! Apparently last week it was in the negatives...but since I've been here we've had sunny 50's! I love it.
So yesterday,Feb. 17th~Pres. Day, we did a lot of service...but it was a blast! We went and baked cinnamon rolls with a less active lady in our ward. I learned a lot of good baking tips! Then while the dough was rising, we went and played tennis. She is ranked 7th in the state so it was a blast! Me and my companion made a good doubles team. We decided we are gonna play together when we get back to Provo. So we finished baking and then delivered all our treats to less actives, investigators, and members who needed a little pick me up. It was a great day and we were able to lift the spirits of others with some delicious cinnamon bread.
I'm learning so much in the mission field that the MTC never could have prepared me for. I see these people and I feel so much love for them! While we were stuck in the airport, I had a lot of time to people watch, and as I watched them I felt love for them as my own brothers and sisters. It's really neat. I feel like I'm getting a small glimpse of what Heavenly Father sees when He looks at His children. And that love I feel gives me so much motivation to share the gospel with them!!! I want them to know how much their Heavenly Father loves them. As a missionary I have felt an overwhelming love from my Heavenly Father. It brings so much peace in times of trial or discomfort. When I first got here, my companion said we only had 1 progressing investigator. I was really hoping that we'd have a bunch of people to teach, but that's part of our job too...to find! So I've been praying really hard to find those who are prepared and at church on sunday, we got 4 referrals from the members! We are going to meet with them this week. I can't wait to see what will happen with them. The work is moving forward! I still have lot to learn, but its amazing what I have already learned. I'm pretty sure I've studied harder these past 3 weeks than I ever did in all my years of schooling. Including my semester at BYU. So I am learning and growing and sharing what I learn.
It's awesome. But I know I wouldn't be able to do it without the help of the Lord. He supports me and gives me the knowledge I need to teach. Missions are so awesome! This is the great beginning to a wonderful adventure.
Much love,
MTC Map of the World >
Anna & her new companion
Making Bread--------------->
v Playing Tennis on Pres. Day
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